Italian children at Red Cross Christmas party in San Benedetto, Italy in December 1944

U.S. Army Signal Corp photograph, Gift in Memory of William F. Caddell, Sr., from the Collection of The National World War II Museum
291.Photograph. '25 Dec 44. 5/MM-44-32269. Fifth Army, San Benedetto, Italy. The kiddies of San Benedetto eagerly await their Christmas gifts and look forward to a New Year and a new future once the Tedeschi is driven from their land for good. (No. 6 of 11 pix series). Photo by Schmidt. 3131 Signal Service Co.' San Benedetto, Italy. 25 December 1944
Image Information
Accession Number:
Theater of Service:
Topical Subjects:
Collection Level:
Signal Corps photographs from the service of William F. Caddell, Sr. taken from the Fall of Rome through the end of the war.
Thesaurus for Graphic Materials:
Children--Health & welfare--Italy
Clothing & dress--Italy