Infantrymen crossing the Rhine, Germany, March 1945
Photograph. Two assault boats filled with infantrymen of the 7th Infantry Regiment pushing off the bank of the Rhine. Official caption on front: "7A-45-5590." Confidential stamp on reverse. Official caption on reverse: "ETO HQ 45 7A-5590 26 Mar / Credit... Signal Corps Photo / Photog... T/5 Joseph A Bowen (163) / Crossing the Rhine! Yan assault boats prepare to swing out to east bank of Rhine as Seventh Army attacks across the Rhine River. Troops crouch tensely in their boats in the final moments. Smoke screen is used to hide movement from enemy artillery observers. Nevertheless, enemy air bursts came in as crossing was made. / 7th Inf. Regt., 3rd Div., XV Corps, 7A, Frankenthal area, Germany." Rhineland Palatinate (state), Germany. 26 March 1945