Generals watch an infantry division pass in review at Camp Gruber, Oklahoma on 15 June 1944

1263. '6-15-44. G. Barry. Photo shows L to R Brig. Gen. F. A. Blesse, head of AGF Medical section, Brig. Gen. Edward W. Smith, executive officer of ROTC and organized reserves affairs in the War Dept, and members of the Rainbow Div. in the first war----Congressman James H. Fay of New York, also member of Rainbow Div. first war Major Gen. Frank R. McCoy, USA retired also member of Rainbow Div. in First war and Lt. Gen. Sir John Lavarck of British Army as they watch troops of the 42nd Inf. Div. pass in review during Inf. Day program held at Camp Gruber, Okla. 168-L-44-1351.' Army Signal Corps photograph Photographer: G. Barry. Camp Gruber, Oklahoma. 15 June 1944