General Truscott paying tribute to fallen U.S. soldiers in Anzio, Italy, May 1945
Photograph. Lieutenant General Lucian K. Truscott giving a public address during tribute to fallen U.S. soldiers. Official Caption: "Rome, 5/31/45--Gen. Truscott pays tribute to fallen U.S. soldiers--Lt. Gen. Lucian K. Truscott, Commanding General of the Fifth Army who commanded the famed U.S. Sixth Army Corps during the Anzio beachhead fighting, pays tribute to the 6,614 American men and women who lost their lives there. His address featured the Memorial Day Ceremony held May 30, 1945, at the American Military Cemetery at Anzio. He said 'We pray that when the job is done, the statesmen of the world will make sure the lasting peace for which these men made the supreme sacrifice. All over the world our soldiers sleep beneath the crosses. It is a challenge to us--all Allied nations--to insure that they do not and have not died in vain'.--Army pictorial photo--Serviced by Rome OWI full. Approved by appropriate military authority. 6478." Anzio, Italy. 30 May 1945