General Mark W. Clark and Sergeant Oscar G. Johnson Jr. shake hands, Italy, July 1945
Photograph. U.S. Army General Mark W. Clark (right) shaking hands with Sergeant Oscar G. Johnson Jr. after presenting Johnson with the Congressional Medal of Honor; the men are standing outdoors. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/29/45--General Greets Hero--U.S. General Mark W. Clark, Commander of the 15th Army Group in Italy, shakes hands with U.S. Sergt. Oscar G. Johnson, Jr. of the 91st Division, after presenting him with the Congressional Medal of Honor. During the battle of the Gothic line in September, 1944, Sergeant Johnson killed 20 Germans, silenced three machines gun positions and captured 24 prisoners. General Clark on June 27, 1945 was named Chief of the U.S. Occupation Forces in Austria.--British official photo through Rome OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority--Serviced full. 6942." Italy.29 July 1945