General Jacob L. Devers, Commander of U.S. Army Ground Forces, July 1945

Photograph, portrait. General Jacob L. Devers, Commander of U.S. Army Ground Forces. Official Caption: "Rome 7/2/45--Command U.S. Army Ground Forces--General Jacob L. Devers, Commander of the Allied Sixth Army Group in Europe, has been named Commander of U.S. Army Ground Forces. He succeeds General Joseph W. Stillwell who recently was given command of the Tenth Army on Okinawa. General Devers, 57 years old, was formerly Deputy Commander of Allied Forces in the Mediterranean and led the Sixth Army Group composed of the U.S. Seventh and French First Armies up through Southern France. His forces held the southern flank of the Allied line during the push to the Rhine and into the heart of Germany.--War pool photo through Rome OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority (list A out) 6966." Location unknown. 2 July 1945