General Eisenhower beginning a 'victory tour' parade, Washington, D. C., June 1945

Photograph. U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower waving from the back of a jeep near an airport runway, other jeeps (part of a convoy) visible behind him. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/29/45--Eisenhower begins triumphant tour--General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower (L) sitting with the General of the Army George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff, starts on Jeep parade through Washington after his arrival at the U.S. capital June 18 by plane from Paris. He told a joint session of Congress that the only reward the fighting men and 'The families of those who don't come back" desire for their sacrifice is the assurance that "all this will not happen again.'--Acme Photo through Rome OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority (A List out) 6911." Washington, D. C. 18 June 1945