Four Austrian citizens saved from German death sentences in Salzburg, Austria, 1945
Photograph. Austrian citizens, saved from German death sentences by a U.S. Army board, sitting on a bench indoors. Official Caption: "Rome, 7/6/45--Austrians saved from death--These four Austrians were found in jail at Salzburg awaiting execution after being sentenced to death by German courts for minor offenses. Their sentences were set aside by a U.S. Army board appointed to review German-imposed sentences. The four are: (L to R) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kaitenagger, who allegedly stole a small bundle of laundry; Franz Frum, 19 years old, accused of stealing 10 cents worth of property, and Voytich Smeykel, 24-year-old Czecho-Slovakian charged with theft of a small amount of clothing.--ISB staff photo through Rome OWI--approved by appropriate military authority(List A--ISB out) 7022."Salzburg, Austria. 6 July 1945