Floating post office for troops prior to the invasion of Iwo Jima, February 1945
529.Photograph 'File Number: 110021 Released: March 3, 1945 Mail for Fighting Men Before going into the grim battle for Iwo Jima, members of the Marine Fifth Amphibious Corps were given their mail from a floating Navy 'post office.' Letters and packages from the folks at home were distributed by landing craft of the same type which soon were carrying the Marines into battle. Marine postal clerks (left to right) Sergt. B. D. Bryant of Spartansburg, Pa.[Pennsylvania]; Corp. Edward B. Hearn, Jr. of Little Rock, Ark.[Arkansas]; Corp. Clarence M. Harry Jr., of Pocahontas, Va.[Virginia]; and Technical Sergt. Edward J. Doughty of Somerville, Mass.[Massachusetts] sort out the mail on the floating post office.' February 1945