Five Italian policemen climb into back of truck, Italy, 1945

Photograph. Italian policemen (Carabinieri) loading into back of truck in Milan. Official Caption: "Rome. 5/28/45--Milan Police Reorganized--The Allied Military Government Safety Division, in cooperation with Carabinieri (police) officials, is reorganizing the police system in Milan. Thirteen hundred Italian policemen are now patrolling, enforcing curfew regulations and in other ways assisting the Alllied Military Police. They hold daily conferences with the AMG [Allied Military Government] and will assume complete authority as soon as the reorganization is complete. The Carabinieri, having been reorganized secretly under Maj. [Major] Ettore Giovanni, stormed the barracks of the Fascists, on April 26, 1945, and retook their former stations. Since then, more and more former Carabinieri have joined the organization every day.--OWI staff photos--Serviced by Rome OWI full. Approved by appropriate military authority. [6424 C]." Milan, Italy. 28 May 1945