Episcopal Bishop H.K. Sherrill visiting Rome, Italy, May 1945

Photograph. The Right Reverend H.K. Sherrill, Chaplain Edwin Carter, and Chaplain Joseph L. Brown in Rome Italy. Official Caption: "Rome, 5/23/45--U.S. Bishop Visits Rome--The Rt. Rev. [Right Reverend] H.K. Sherrill (Center), Vice Chairman of the U.S. General Commission of the Army and Navy Chaplains, visited Rome on May 22, 1945, on a tour of all war theaters for the purpose of inspecting new churches. He is being accompanied in Italy by Chaplain Edwin Carter (left), Chief Theater Chaplain, ETO, and Chaplain Henry Tavel (not pictured), MTOUSA Administrative Chaplain. They were received in Rome by Maj. Joseph L. Brown, Protestant Chaplain of the Rome area command (right). The Right Reverend Sherrill, an Episcopal Bishop, lives in Boston, Mass. His six weeks' tour of war theaters is being concluded this week with the visit to Italy.--OWI staff photo.--Serviced by Rome OWI Full. Approved by appropriate military authority. 6374." Rome, Italy. 23 May 1945