Edwin A. Locke, Jr., aide to President Harry S. Truman, June 1945
Photograph, portrait. Edwin A. Locke, Jr., President Harry S. Truman's personal representative to other governments, sitting at desk. Official Caption: "Rome, June 11, 1945--To represent U.S. President--[E]dwin A. Locke, Jr., has been appointed U.S. President Harry S. Truman's personal representative to other governments. He will succeed Donald M. Nelson to whom he has acted as assistant since 1940, when both were members of the U.S. Office of Production Management, predecessor of the U.S. War Production Board [WPB]. Mr. Nelson was head of the WPB until the summer of 1944. Mr. Locke has been designated to carry on the work of the economic mission in China established by Mr. Nelson.--PME photo--Serviced by Rome OWI (A list out). Approved by appropriate military authority." [No number]. Location unknown. 11 June 1945