Civilian airplane flying over farmland, Ohio, 1945
Photograph. Civilian airplane flying over farmland in Ohio; view from another airplane. Official Caption: "Rome 8/2/45 U.S. COMPANY PRODUCES FIRST CIVILIAN PLANE SINCE U.S. ENTERED WAR. This squat, two-passenger cabin plane seen in flight over the U.S. mid-western state of Ohio, was built by one of the first American manufacturers of light planes to reconvert, from filling military orders, to civilian manufacture. Its builder, the Aeronca Corporation of Hamilton, Ohio, has four types of civilian planes in various stages of production. The U.S. Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion had recommended that, while meeting all needs of the Pacific war, the country reconvert to and expand civilian production as fast as possible, both to increase the supply of goods, and to provide jobs for those released from the armed forces and from war work. PHOTO THROUGH ROME U.S.I.S. APPROVED BY APPROPRIATE U.S. AUTHORITY. A & B lists out." Ohio, United States. 2 August 1945