A church burns in the small town of Polling, Germany on 18 April 1945
A church burns in a small town. Note that units have been stricken in the caption. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 35100 18 Apr. Credit...U.S. Army Signal Corps. Photog--T/5 Pat W. Kohl...163. Polling, a small town on the main escape highway assaulted by an armored and infantry-column to cut retreat from Nurnberg. Tanks were blocked by blown road but infantry continued on to flank and take the town. After buildings harboring fanatical SS rearguard snipers are shelled, Yank infantrymen move in to clean up the town, still burning from the shelling. 68th Armd. Inf. Bn., 14th Armd Div., XV Corps, Seventh Army, Polling, Germany." Censored on 11 December 1944. Passed for publication as censored on 24 April 1945.