Chinese Lieutenant General Wang Yao-Wou stands with American Brigadier General Henry A. Barber, Jr., China, 1945

Photograph. Chinese Lieutenant General Wang Yao-Wou (left) and American Brigadier General Henry A. Barber, Jr. standing side-by-side outdoors; temple in background. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/4/45--Generals inspect new Chinese combat command--Lt. Gen. Wang Yao-Wou (left), Commanding General of a Chinese army group, is photographed with Brig. Gen. Henry A. Barber, Jr., of the U.S. Army during an inspection tour of the newly formed Chinese combat command in China. The command has as its mission advising and assisting Chinese military units in intensifying attacks on Japanese forces. During all of 1942 and most of 1943, the China-Burma-India Theater was primarily one of supply, but in the spring of 1944 a Chinese Corps of two Divisions, their officers trained in India by Americans, pushed back the Japanese so the Ledo road could be added to the Burma Road. The completion of the two roads in 1945, which together bear the name of Stillwell road, meant not only more supplies for China's under-equipped armies, but an opportunity to extend training facilities, the particular responsibilities of the Chinese combat command.--FA photo--Serviced by Rome OWI (A list out). Approved by appropriate military authority. 6530." China. 4 June 1945