Burnt Japanese corpse in a foxhole, Engebi Island, 1944
Photograph. A Japanese soldier's burnt corpse standing halfway out of a foxhole. Official caption on reverse: "3340. From: Public Relations Division / U.S. Coast Guard / Washington, D.C. / Credit Line Must Read 'Official Coast Guard Photo.' The Heat is on in the Pacific. This Jap Imperial Marine had started to crawl out of his foxhole when white hot fire, hurled from a flame gun in the hands of American Marines, burned him to a crisp. Flame throwers proved effective in liquidating Nip snipers' nests during the smashing conquest of Engebi Island in Eniwetok Atoll. This graphic picture was made by a Coast Guard combat photographer from an assault troop transport." Stamped in pink type: "In rewriting captions please mention 'Coast Guard.'" Engebi Island, Marshall Islands. 1944