Burning LCVP crusing toward Normandy, France, 1944
Photograph. Burning LCVP [landing craft, vehicle, personnel] cruising toward a coast. Official caption on reverse: "2342 / From: Public Relations Division / U.S. Coast Guard / Washington, D.C. / Official Coast Guard Photo / Texan Drove This Flaming Coast Guard LCVP to the Beach / Bursting in flame when Nazi machine gun fire exploded a hand grenade, this Coast Guard-manned LCVP, packed with troops, was piloted safely to the Normandy beach on D-Day by a 23-year-old Texan, Coast Guardsman Delba L. Nivens, coxswain, of Amarillo. Nivens unoladed his cargo of invaders and, assisted by his engineman and bowman, put out the fire and made the run back to his Coast Guard-manned assault transport in a hail of German machinegun and mortar fire." Normandy, France. 6 June 1944