Bob Feller, former Cleveland Indian great, blasts a strike past an opposing batter during a game in which he struck out 18 men at Efate in the New Hebrides in 16 May 1944

399.Photograph. Bob Feller, baseball player. 'File No: 45536 May 16, 1944 Chief Bob Feller, Ex-Indian, 'Blows the man down'---Showing the same form that made him the dread of sluggers and push hitters alike for many seasons in the American League, Bob Feller, former Cleveland Indian great, blasts a strike past an opposing batter during a game in which he struck out 18 men at Efate in the New Hebrides. Now Chief Specialist (Physical Training instructor) in the U. S. Naval Reserve, Feller is managing a team of his shipmates from a U. S. battleship, has led them to eleven straight victories and no losses.' 16 May 1944