Atomic mushroom cloud above Nagasaki, Japan, 9 August 1945

Photograph, aerial. Atomic mushroom cloud rising above Nagasaki, as viewed from an airplane. Official Caption: "Rome 8/24/45-----Second atomic bomb hits Nagasaki. A smoke column rises higher than 20,000 feet (6,000 meters) three minutes after the second atomic bomb used in history hit Nagasaki, Japanese shipping center on the enemy home island of Kyushu, on Aug. 9, 1945. Three and an half hours later smoke still blanketed the city. The atomic bombing of Nagasaki destroyed 30 per cent of the city's industrial area. The first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese military center of Hiroshima on Aug. 5 [sic] and wiped out 41 square miles (10 sq. kms.) or 60 percent of the city. The atomic bomb possesses more power than 20,000 tons of TNT, has a destructive force equal to the bomb load of 2,000 B-29 Superfortresses and more than 2,000 times the blast power of what previously was the world's most devastating bomb, the 22,000-ton British bomb, the "Grand Slam."The cosmic bomb was used on the Japanese only after they had rejected the Allies' Potsdam ultimatum. Photo through U.S.I.S. Rome 43441-FN. Approved by appropriate U.S. authority. (D List out)." Nagasaki, Japan. 9 August 1945