American M26heavy tank rolls across a muddy field, 1945

Photograph. Soldiers driving a M26 Pershing heavy tank through mud. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/2/45--New U.S. Heavy Tank--The M-26 'General Pershing'. New U.S. heavy tank, flows through heavy mud. Powered by an eight-cylinder gasoline engine, the 45-ton vehicle has a speed of 25 miles (40 KM) an hour and can negotiate grades up to 60 per cent [sic]. The tank's 90 MM gun, which has a range of over two miles (three km.), is equipped with a 'muzzle brake' which deflects flash and reduces the possibility of enemy detection of the gun's position. Other armament includes two 30- caliber machine guns--one in the front and one in the power-operated turret--and a 50-caliber anti-aircraft gun on top of the turret. The M-26 has tracks almost two feet wide. The thickness and slope of its armor provides maximum protection.--FA photo--Serviced by Rome OWI (A list out). Approved by appropriate military authority. 6517." Location unknown. 2 June 1945