American landing craft approaching Aguni Island, Japan, 1945

Photograph. American LCI [Landing Craft, Infantry] and LVT (A) [Landing Vehicle Tracked (Armored)] amphibious craft heading for the beach during the invasion of the island of Aguni, near Okinawa; view is from inside one of the landing craft. Official Caption: "Rome. 7/31/45--Seagoing American Tanks Approach Aguni Island. Amphibious tanks of the first assault wave of U.S. Marines to attack Aguni Jima, approach the small island on June 9, 1945. The island, 30 miles (48 km.) west of Okinawa in the Ryukyu (Loochoo) chain is wreathed in smoke from the pre-invasion bombardment by units of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. The invasion was unopposed. Aguni was the 18th island of the Okinawa group to be invaded by U.S. forces. The group is about 375 miles (600 km.) south of the Japanese home islands and is a strategic sea and air base. Photo through Rome OWI [Office of War Information] Approved by appropriate U.S. authority." Aguni Island, Okinawa Islands, Japan. 31 July 1945