American engineer gun crew operate weapon in muddy pit near Venafro, Italy, 1943
Photograph. American engineer gun crew operate weapon in muddy pit. Official caption on front: "MM-5-150437." Official caption on reverse: "Sig. Corps Rad. Tele.Radioed 11-18-43. War in Italy! An American engineer gun crew is shown entrenching a machine gun as protection from the mud and rain near the Volturno [River] at Venafro, Italy. L. to Right: Pfc. Joe Hicks, N.Y.C., Pvt. Harlan Stout, of Elizabeth, Tenn., Pvt. Frank Kennedy, of Smithville, Ill. [Illinois], and in the background, Pvt. Joe Lynch, Indianapolis, Ind., with shovel." Venafro, Italy. 18 November 1943