Air dispatch riders in rest lounge, Italy, 1944

Photograph. Air dispatch riders in rest lounge. Official caption on front: "HT/MM-44-1954;." Official caption on reverse: 12 Aug 44 HT/MM-44-1954 / AFHQ, Italy / Air Dispatch letter service - dispatch riders' rest room. At center table, L-R: PFC Joseph A. Therrien, 2 Lens Court, Southbridge, MA [Massachusetts], Lance Cpl. Ernest Miles, Royston, Yorkshire, Eng., and Signalman Howard C. Brown, Ashton-U-Lyne, Lancashire, Eng. On bench in rear: L-R: Signalman George R. Carr, South Chingford, London, W4; and Signalman Ackrill Oldham, Lancashire, England; on sofa, at right, L-R: Pvt. Noah E. Snipes of Rt. #1, Statesville, NC [North Carolina], and Signalman Reginald Skinner, 32 Blackshore Road, Tooting, London, England. Photo by Weidenmayer. 3131 Sig Sv Co." Italy. 12 August 1944