Adolf Hitler talking to boy, Germany, 1934-39
Mass-produced German photograph of Adolf Hitler writing in book, perhaps signing his autograph; he is surrounded by many men (including Joseph Goebbels), some wearing Nazi armbands, others in suits. Official Caption: "Sammelwerk Nr. [Collection Number] 15, Bild Nr. [Image Number] 186, Gruppe [Group] 64. Eine historische Sttte. Der Fhrer und Dr. Goebbels besuchen das Bimmer im Sterneckerbru, das als erlfe Geschftsstelle des partei im Jahre 1920 diente. [A historic site. The Leader and Dr. Goebbels visit the room in Sterneckerbrau, which served as the first office of the party in 1920.]" Germany. 1934-39