Admiral Sherman receiving fighter pilot report about Okinawa, Japan, 1945
Photograph. U.S. Rear Admiral Frederick C. Sherman (left) receiving a report aboard an aircraft carrier from a fighter pilot (right) just returned from attacking targets on Okinawa. Official Caption: "Rome. 6/1/45--Admiral Sherman receives fighter pilot report--U.S. Rear Adm. Frederick C. Sherman (left), Third Fleet Carrier Task Forces Unit Commander, receives a report aboard an aircraft carrier from a fighter pilot (right) just returned from attacking targets on Okinawa. By May 30, 1945, U.S. Navy Seabees and U.S. Army Engineers were undertaking on the 65-mile-long island of Okinawa what Commodore A. G. Bissett, Commander of all construction troops on the island, termed as 'The biggest construction job ever attempted in the war--including Europe and the Pacific'. The biggest part of the airba8e [sic] work will be finished within a few months. Seabees and Army engineers have built more than 100 miles of road on the island.--War Pool Photo--Serviced by Rome OWI. (A List Out). Approved by appropriate military authority. 6495." Near Okinawa, Japan. 1 June 1945