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1407. '11 July 44. A. Emanuel. 1st Lt. Charles G. Ames, 2nd Lt. Richard E. Etter, 1st Lt. Robert L. Schefferly, members...
143.Photograph. '25 Nov 44. 5/MM-44-30527. Fifth Army, Pisa Area, Italy. Students of the University of Pisa reenacting...
1539. "18 July 44. Austin. Students returning from jump field signing parachute log at Fort Benning, Ga., recording...
1368. '7 July 44. Freeney. Students test a refrigeration plant for leaks at the refrigeration school for Civil Service...
Photograph. Troops looking out at the two towers of the Suez Canal Defense Monument from the deck of a ship. Stamped...
Sunken boat in harbor. "Lerach, Germany."
Photograph. Sunken boat lies on its side in the harbor. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-5414." Official caption on...
Sunken boats in harbor. "Marselie, France." Marseilles, France. Circa 1944
Photograph. Sunken French battleship at the harbor. Official caption on front: "7/MM-44-2749." Official caption on...
Photograph. Sunken German ship in the harbor. Official caption on front: "MM-44-1440." Official caption on reverse: "...
"Sunken Jap ships in Manila Bay block shipping into harbor." 6 March 1945
"Sunken Jap ships in Manila Bay block shipping into harbor." 6 March 1945
"Sunken Jap ships in Manila Bay block shipping into harbor." 6 March 1945
"Sunken Jap ships in Manila Bay block shipping into harbor." 6 March 1945
"Sunken Jap ships in Manila Bay block shipping into harbor." 6 March 1945
"Sunken Jap ships in Manila Bay block shipping into harbor." 6 March 1945
1622. '6 Sept 44. Paik. Mr. Larry Peckard of 1037 2nd Ave, Columbus, Ga, supervisor of the paper salvage dept looking...
Cots and supplies piled up near tile-roofed buildings in a hospital compound. Bizerte, Tunisia, North Africa. 1943-44
136.Photograph. '9 Dec 44. 5/MM-44-31398. Fifth Army, Italy. This is a typical stretch of Highway 64 as it winds high...
1138. '4-1-44. S/Sgt. A Schug supply sergeant of the 549th Ord. Heavy Maintenance Co at San Luis Obispo, Calif,...
Supply yard in postwar Germany.
Supply yard in postwar Germany.
Supply yard in postwar Germany.
Supply yard in postwar Germany.
Photograph. Severely injured soldier being operated on by at least four surgeons of the 59th Evacuation Hospital. View...
Surplus military trucks parked on a concrete slab in the middle of an unidentified field in the 1940s.
"Surrender of Japanese General Yamashita, and all Japanese Land, Sea and Air Forces at Baguio, Luzon." August 1945
Surrendering German soldiers crossing bridge. "ETO-HQ-44-16836. Clancy. 6 Oct. Signal corps photo. German prisoners...
1556. '24 July 44. Wallis. Suspension webbing ties of parachute at Rigging School, T.P.S., Ft. Benning, Ga. 168-L-44-...
2109. '13 Sept. 44 Kilian. 155mm How. M-1 3 Sec 'A' Btry 591 FA Bn 106th Div FA swabbing the breech after firing round...
1430. '11 July 44. Boll. H.W. Lyons, special field representative of the American Red Cross Assn. lectures to an...
1718. '9 Oct 44. Bradler. Swimming pool at Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-44-16439.' Army Signal Corps photograph...
1719. '9 Oct 44. Bradler. Swimming pool at Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-44-16440.' Army Signal Corps photograph...
792. US servicemen performing music for Signal Corps soldiers and their wives; upright bass, xylophone, drums and piano...
793. US servicemen performing music for Signal Corps soldieres and their wives; upright bass, xylophone, drums and...
794. US servicemen performing music for Signal Corps officers and their wives; upright bass, xylophone, drums and piano...
