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Several United States servicemen gathered around a barrel outside a thatched grass hut, activity unknown. India (...
Double image of United States servicemen climbing onto, and posing with, a 2- ton truck/CCKW. "First old men to go back...
Three United States servicemen, one with his arm on another, posing for a picture; there is a thatch-roofed building...
United States servicemen on a rickshaw in front of the Mukul Theatre. "Gisi and Enberg, Calcutta [Kolkata]."'Kolkata,...
United States servicemen inside a pup tent; there is a framed photograph of a woman predominantly displayed on a table...
Two United States servicemen, one with his arm around the other, posing for picture while crouching down and looking up...
Three United States servicemen, including a Native American, posing for picture outside military tent. "Wm. [William]...
Two United States servicemen wearing only long underwear. "Harm, Kinney." Location unknown. 1941-45
A convoy has stopped for chow. Two officers are seated near a low table and lots of servicemen are standing near their...
United States servicemen having a meal under the shade of an olive tree. There is a -ton truck (jeep) parked behind...
United States servicemen in a desert. "J. Hawkins; B. Jenkins; S. Harms; C. Kinney." North Africa (probably). 1942-43
United States servicemen posing for picture on, and next to, a truck; they are returning to the United States. There is...
Three United States servicemen cooking over small stove. "Herb Arter, Earl Pertect, Wester Lemmons." 1942-45
Four United States servicemen outside a tent; two are sitting and two are standing; equipment and supplies are outside...
Rear view of United States servicemen during training hike. "Lost! One of the many climbs (up and down)."'"Restricted...
Four servicemen are standing beside a -ton truck (jeep) with United States Army Air Forces stenciled on it. "S/sgt [...
A group of unidentified United States servicemen in a bomb-damaged city. North Africa (probably). 1942-43
A few unidentified United States servicemen in a garden or orchard. India (probably). 1944-45
United States servicemen in canvas enclosed structure with constructed sinks; probably a washing or changing area. "...
Three unidentified United States servicemen, wearing peaked caps and khaki uniforms, posing for picture in a narrow and...
United States servicemen loaded into bed of a 2- ton truck/CCKW that is part of a convoy. North Africa. 1942-43
Two unidentified United States servicemen in back of horse-drawn carriage driven by local man wearing a fez, tarboosh,...
Three United States servicemen in beach chairs. "McClellan, Rundle, Randell, Tel-Aviv, Palestine [19]42." Tel-Aviv,...
Five unidentified United States servicemen in jeep; there is an apartment building behind them. Location unknown. 1942-...
Three United States servicemen, two of which are indentified, posing for picture in front of a mountainous landscape. "...
Ten servicemen, some in shorts and some shirtless, in a truck except for one of them. "Yellow streak Anderson, Stock,...
United States servicemen in doorway of grass and mud hut with thatched roof. "Opream. [illegible] Gasaway; Otis Tatman...
Side view of North American B-25D Mitchell Bomber with severely damaged horizontal and vertical stabilizers. There are...
Servicemen inspect a severely damaged German Junkers Ju 87 (or "Stuka") dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft. The...
Two United States servicemen, one of whom has his arm around the other, standing before a thatch-roofed building.'"J.R...
United States servicemen holding mess kit near an outdoor kitchen; there are tents in the background. "Keeshen, J."...
Two United States servicemen, one with a Thompson submachine gun pointed towards the ground; they are next to a tent...
United States servicemen posing for picture near sandbagged trench in desert; there are tents in the distant background...
Three United States servicemen, in underwear, brushing teeth and shaving in restroom. "Kreshock Pa [possibly...
Double image of United States serviceman and United States serviceman with local, native boy; there is a thatch-roofed...
United States servicemen, with their arms around each other, posing for picture. "Knute Leirmoe, Stan Stasiak, Frenchie...
