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Italian shed in the countryside damaged from combat occurring around it in 1944 or 1945
Slide. Italian shed in the countryside damaged from combat occurring around it. "Machine gun holes in Volturno Valley bldg.
Italian soldier directing American CCKW trucks at intersection in Italy in November 1944
382.Photograph. Italian soldier directing American CCKW trucks at intersection. '25 Nov 44. 5/MM-44-30712. Fifth Army, Radicosa, Italy.
Italian soldiers guarding captured German train, Bolzano, 1945
Photograph. Italian soldiers guarding captured German train, abandoned in Italian countryside, full of German loot.
Italian soldiers play a card game, Italy, 1943
Photograph. Italian soldiers play a card game.
Italian soldiers rebuild a road, Italy, 1943
Photograph. Italian soldiers rebuild a road. Official caption on front: "MM-5-150287." Official caption on reverse: "Sig.
Italian soldiers with their mules carrying equipment and supplies to the Fifth Army front in Italy in October 1944
294.Photograph. '31 Oct 44. 5/MM-44-6299. Fifth Army, South of Bologna, Italy.
Italian street scene in Naples, Italy during World War II
Italian street scene with people peddling goods on the sidewalks. "[illegible] S. Biagio." Probably Naples, Italy. 1944-45
Italian street scene with buildings, people and horse drawn carriages in 1944
Italian street scene with buildings, people and horse drawn carriages. Italy. [1944]
Italian street with sign, Italy
Photograph. View looking down onto sign reading "Per Il Lavoro E Il Bennessere" [For Work and Well Being].
Italian submarine at dry dock, Sicily
Photograph. Italian submarine at dry dock. Personal caption on photo reverse:"Italian submarine in dry dock at Palermo, Sicily. No date
Italian torpedo boat moored at pier in Bastia, Corsica, France, 1944-45
Photograph. Italian torpedo boat moored at pier; military vehicles and multi-story buildings on shore nearby.
Italian town of Cassino being bombed on 15 March 1944
224.Photograph. '15 March 44. MM-5-44-2369. Cassino Area, Italy.