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Hilltop town in the French Riviera in 1945
Distant view of hilltop town in the French Riviera. "Riviera, Hillside town." French Riviera. Postwar 1945
Hilltop view looking into a valley with patchy snow, running water, and buildings from an Army camp in the distance. Dutch Harbor. 1944
Photograph, landscape. Hilltop view looking into a valley with patchy snow, running water, and buildings from an Army camp in the distance.
Hilly landscape
Photograph. Hills with covered in fields that are bordered by trees. Location unknown. No date
Hilly landscape
Photograph, landscape. Top view of a hillside, bundles of sticks line the dirt path next to the hill. Forested hills are in the background.
Hilly landscape
Photograph, landscape. Grass covered hills, power lines are down the center. Presumably Okinawa, Japan. 1945
Hilly landscape, Oahu, June 1945
Photograph, landscape. View of roling hills and a tall mountain. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Island of Oahu, T.H.
Himmler's corpse in Lüneburg, Germany, 23 May 1945
Photograph. The corpse of Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (SS), lying on the floor. Official Caption: "Rome.
Hindu Palace, Cairo
Photograph. Souvenir. Official caption: "3.
Hippopotamus in Africa
Mass-produced image of African animal; souvenir image. Hippopotamus.
Hiram and Mattie Boone, 1944
Photograph. Hiram Boone in class A uniform sitting on a bench with his arm wrapped around Mattie Bonne.
Hiram Boone and his in-laws
Photograph. Hiram Boone [right] standing next to Hazel and Winston Sutter; Sutter is in a class A uniform and Boone is in civilian clothing.
Hiram Boone and Winston Sutter posing together, Oklahoma, 1943
Photograph. Hiram Boone [left] and Winston Sutter standing next to each other in class A uniforms; houses are in the background.