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Gurkha soldiers debarking from landing craft onto a beach, Rangoon, 1945
Photograph. Gurkha soldiers debarking from British landing craft onto a beach.
Gutenberg monument surrounded by war damaged buildings in Frankfurt, Germany in late 1945
Gutenberg monument in Frankfurt; severely bomb damaged buildings surrounding the statue.
Haircut aboard the USS Rutland in 1945
Haircut aboard the USS Rutland in 1945; hoisting equipment right behind the sailors.
Haircut in the field, Italy, 1944
Photograph. An American serviceman sits while he has a haircut. Caption reads: "Red Chestnut cutting Floyd Herman's hair.
Haircut taking place on a patio under a thatch roof, North Africa (probably), 1942-43
Haircut taking place on a patio under a thatch roof. The haircut is being given by a serviceman.
Haleakala Crater from the USS Fergus in Kahului Harbor, Maui, Hawaii, c.1944
"Haleakala Crater Elev [elevation] 10,000 Ft [feet] taken aboard U.S.S. Fergus in Kahului Harbor Island of Maui, T.H.
Half track and 3 inch tank Destroyer guns await orders to move out at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 7 September 1944
2081. '7 Sept. 44 Barry.
Half-starved prisoners awaiting transport from the Wöbbelin concentration camp, Germany, May 1945
Photograph. Half-starved prisoners awaiting transport from the Wöbbelin concentration camp.
Half-sunk Japanese warship of the coast of Leyte Island, 1944
Photograph. Half-sunk Japanese warship. Official caption on front: "Jap warship sunk on west coast of Leyte--7 Dec. 1944.
Half-sunken German landing ferry/barge in Porto Azzurro, Elba Island, Italy
Photograph. Half-sunken German Marinefährprahm (MFP) landing ferry/barge in shallow water; hills on coastline in distance.
Half-sunken German landing ferry/barge on the coast of Talamone, Italy
Photograph. Half-sunken German Marinefährprahm (MFP) landing ferry/barge; note swastikas on hull.
Half-sunken German landing ferry/barge visible off the coastline, Talamone, Italy
Photograph. Half-sunken German Marinefährprahm (MFP) landing ferry/barge; note swastikas on hull.