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Group portrait of the Chief Petty Officers aboard the USS Rutland in 1945
Group portrait of the Chief Petty Officers aboard the USS Rutland.
Group portrait of the Engineering and Armament Section of the 434th Bombardment Squadron at Comilla Airfield in India in September 1944
Casual group portrait of the Engineering and Armament Section of the 434th Bombardment Squadron; each of the ninety six serviceman are numbered in
Group portrait of the Engineering and Armament Section of the 434th Bombardment Squadron at Comilla Airfield in India in September 1944
Casual group portrait of the Engineering and Armament Section of the 434th Bombardment Squadron. See also 2009.278.1386. Comilla Airfield, India.
Group portrait of the members of the machine shop aboard the USS Rutland in 1945.
Group portrait of the members of the machine shop aboard the USS Rutland; taken inside the ship's machine shop.
Group portrait of the military 590th Army Air Force Band at the Abeline, Texas, Air Force Base in 1944
Photograph. Group portrait of the military 590th Army Air Force Band seated outside at the Abilene, Texas air base.
Group portrait of the quartermasters aboard the USS Rutland in 1945.
Group portrait of the quartermasters aboard the USS Rutland.
Group portrait of the radar operators aboard the USS Rutland in 1945
Group portrait of the radar operators aboard the USS Rutland.
Group portrait of the radio operators aboard the USS Rutland in 1945
Group portrait of the radio operators aboard the USS Rutland.
Group portrait of the staff enlisted men aboard the USS Rutland in 1945
Group portrait of the staff enlisted men aboard the USS Rutland.
Group portrait of the staff officers aboard the USS Rutland in 1945
Group portrait of the staff officers aboard the USS Rutland; Jules de la Vergne is third from right.
Group portrait of the storekeepers aboard the USS Rutland in 1945
Group portrait of the storekeepers aboard the USS Rutland. From donor's notes: "Storekeepers." 1945
Group portrait of the underwater demoltion group aboard the USS Rutland in 1945
Group portrait of the underwater demoltion group aboard the USS Rutland; one sailor has tattoo.