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Going Over the Top of Sugarloaf Hill
Gold clubhouse, Hawaii, 1945
Slide. Cars parked next to a clubhouse on a golf course. Hawaii. 1945
Golf course in England in September 1944
Golf course in England in September 1944. "Golf course England. Sept. 1944."'
Gondola lift at the top of Zugspitze, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Gondola traveling on a lift at the top of Zugspitze mountain.
Gonzales meets James Carrington
Goodrich's First Kill
Goods in a market in Manila, Philippines circa 1939-40
Photograph. Mass-produced tourist photograph of goods in a market. Official caption: "Yonoco Market, Manila." Manila, Philippines.
Gordon Highlanders and British Indian Army servicewomen standing at attention
Negative. Small unit of British Indian Army servicewomen standing at attention next to Gordon Highlanders in front of a large building.
Gothic building
Photograph. Rear and side of a Gothic building with steeple. Civilians are walking on the sidewalks next to the building. Location unknown.
Gothic building entrance, Munich, 1945
Photograph. Gothic building entrance with sign "Military Governmen, Munich". Germany. 1945
Gothic building in forest
Photograph. Expansive Gothic building surrounded by forest and bodies of water. Location unknown. No date
Gothic church
Photograph. Front entrance of a Gothic church. A cemetery is on one side and a comercial building is on the other. Location unknown. No date