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Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, 1943
Photograph. Civilians and servicemen walking on the grounds ofFort Benjamin Harrison.
Fort Drum, a concrete fortress in Manila Bay, captured by the 113th Engineer Battalion at Manila in the Philippines on 13 April 1945
"Fort Drum, concrete fortress in Manila Bay, captured by 113th Eng. Bn." 13 April 1945
Fort Magellan on Guam in 1945
"Fort Magellan." Guam in 1945
Fortifications of the Gothic Line in the Apennines used against the Fifth Army on 12 November 1944
419.Photograph. View of Italian highway through barbed wire in foreground. '12 Nov. 1944. 5/MM-44-30333. Fifth Army, II Corps Area, Italy.
Fortifications of the Gothic line in the Apennines used by the Axis against the Fifth Army in Italy in November 1944
424.Photograph. Fortifications of the Gothic line in the Apennines used by the Axis against the Fifth Army. '12 Nov 1944. 5/MM-44-30322.
Fortifications of the Gothic Line in the Apennines used by the Germans in Italy in 1944
471.Photograph. Fifth Army, II Corps Area, Italy. 5/MM-44-30334.
Fortifications of the Gothic line in the Apennines, used against Fifth Army in Italy in November 1944
450.Photograph. '12 Nov. 44. 5/MM-44-30322. Fifth Army, II Corps Area, Italy.
Fortified castle keep, ETO
Photograph. Fortified brick tower/keep, no caption or date. Probably Southern France. 1940-44
Fortified city walls of Avignon, France, August 1943
Photograph. Fortified city walls of Avignon, France. Translated German caption on photo reverse: "City walls of Avignon with side gate.
Fortified entrances to caves in cliffside
Photograph. Fortified entrances to caves in cliffside. Pacific Islands. No date
Fortified tower and cathedral, Avignon, France, August 1943
Photograph. Fortified tower and cathedral in Avignon, France. Translated German caption on photo reverse: "Papal palace and cathedral.
Foundation Construction at the Higgins Industries Michoud Plant, Michoud, Louisiana
Photograph. Photograph of foundation construction at the Higgins Industries Michoud Plant, Michoud, Louisiana.