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Firebombing Tokyo
Firebombing Tokyo
Firefighers spraying burning gasloline with Foamite during demonstration in Italy on 28 December 1944
376.Photograph. Firefighers with the 1980th Engineers Platoon spraying burning gasloline with Foamite during demonstration. '28 Dec. 1944.
Firefight in North Africa
Firefighters douse flames from a crashed airplane in France on 21 June 1944
Firefighters douse flames from a crashed airplane. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 5617 Zwick 21 June. Credit--P. Signal Corps Photo.
Fireman sitting behind a desk at Procter & Gamble Defense Corporation, Aberdeen, Mississippi
Photograph. Fireman sitting at a desk. On desk is portrait of wife and small toy.
Fireman sitting behind a desk at Procter & Gamble Defense Corporation, Aberdeen, Mississippi
Photograph. Fireman sitting at a desk. On desk is portrait of wife and small toy.
Fireman standing in rubble of bombed building, Antwerp
Photograph. Fireman standing in rubble of building bombed by the British.
Firemen putting out flaming halftrack in Italy in December 1944
362.Photograph. Firemen of the 1206th Engineers putting out a flaming 894th Tank Destroyer Battalion halftrack. '24 Dec. 44 (Approx).
Fires on the deck of the USS Saratoga near Iwo Jima, Japan, February 1945
Photograph. Fires on the deck of the USS Saratoga (CV-3).
Fireworks for VJ-Day, Okinawa, August 1945
Photograph. Large display of artillery fire and flack. Printed caption on photo front: "Aug. 10 VJ-Day Okinawa." 10 August 1945
Fireworks illuminate the Campanile of San Marco and the Doge's Palace, Venice, 19 July 1945