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Field crops
Photograph, landscape. Field crops bordered by a forest and empty field. Location unknown. No date
Field hospital
Slide. Small medical tents set up in a field. Presumably Italy. No date
Field hospital
Slide. Large grouping of Army medical tents in a valley. Presumably Italy. No date
Field hospital compound in Bizerte, Tunisia, North Africa in 1943-44
Unloaded supplies and US servicemen inside field hospital compound. 24th General Hospital. Bizerte, Tunisia, North Africa. 1943-44
Field hospital compound in Bizerte, Tunisia, North Africa in 1943-44
US serviceman walking through row of tile-roofed buildings, part of field hospital compound. 24th General Hospital.
Field hospital compound in Bizerte, Tunisia, North Africa. 1943-44
Tile-roofed buildings, some with Red Cross emblems on roofs, and tents with red crosses all part of a field hospital compound.
Field hospital in the Philippines in 1945
Field hospital in the Philippines in 1945
Field hospital tents in Bizerte, Tunisia, North Africa in 1943-44
Field hospital tents, part of field hospital compound. 24th General Hospital. Bizerte, Tunisia, North Africa. 1943-44
Field hospitals
Slide. Several small field hospitals set up in a clearing; a town is in the background. Presumably Italy. No date
Field kitchen in back of truck at Camp Cooke, California on 28 March 1944
979. Field kitchen in back of truck complete with stoves and canned goods; used during training maneuvers. '3-28-44. Zoff.
Field kitchen installed during bivouac at Fort Benning on 11 October 1944
1762. '11 Oct 44. Paik. Field kitchen of Co H 2d Bn, 66th Inf Reg installed in the field during bivouac at Fort Benning, Georgia.
Field landscape
Photograph. Grassy field with small shrubs throughout. Location unknown. No date