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Egyptian woman in traditional clothing, Egypt
Photograph. Egyptian woman in traditional clothing with yashmak.
Egyptian woman wears an elaborate yashmak, Egypt
Photograph. Souvenir. Egyptian woman standing outside near a waterway wears an elaborate yashmak and holds a spool of yarn. Egypt. No date
Egyptian women with a goat and baby, Egypt
Photograph. Souvenir. Egyptian women pose outside with a goat and baby. They both wear floor-length robes and yashmaks. Egypt. No date
Egyptians gather along the roadside
Photograph. Souvenir. Egyptians gather along the roadside to watch the King's motorcade. Official caption: "6.
Egyptians outside of the bazaar, Cairo
Photograph. Souvenir. Egyptians walk down a busy street outside of the bazaar. Official caption: "9.
Egyptians ride in an oxcart, Eygpt
Photograph. Souvenir. Over a dozen Egyptians ride in an oxcart. Official caption: "2.
Eiffel Tower, France
Photograph. American soldier posing in front of the Eiffel Tower. France. No date
Eight airmen in leather jackets, India (probably), 1944-45
Eight airmen, all wearing leather jackets, posed for a photo. There is a thatch-roofed building behind them. India (probably). 1944-45
Eight American soldiers on the beach in Italy during World War II
Eight American soldiers on the beach in Italy. '"COHEN, FERAZZOLI, LAWERENCE, CASQUERRIO, GAMBONE, ZAVIT-OSKY.
Eight American soldiers pose on the roadside in the South Pacific
Photograph. Eight American soldiers pose on the roadside. Forested hills behind them. South Pacific. Circa 1944
Eight GIs piled into the back of a Jeep, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Eight GIs piled into the back of a Jeep. Personal caption on photo reverse: "L. Gould Ludor in back Mannheim." Germany.
Eight LCMs lined up in a row on the beach. New Georgia Islands. Circa 1943
Photograph. A view of several LCMs in a row, a truck onboard the first. New Georgia Islands. Circa 1943