Advanced Search
Downed Japanese plane off the coast of Saipan, NMI, 1944
Downed Klemm aircraft
Photograph. Downed and severely damaged German aircraft manufactured by Klemm. The wings and engine are missing.
Downed Navy seaplane being hoisted out of the Pacific Ocean
Photograph. Downed Navy seaplane being hoisted out of the Pacific Ocean and aboard a Coast Guard transport ship.
Downed Nazi airplane
Photograph. Remains of a Nazi airplane sitting in a field; a railroad track is in the foreground. Presumably Italy. No date
Downhill view of snow-covered town and distant valley in Switzerland in the winter of 1945/46
Downhill view of snow-covered town and distant valley. "Swiss landscape." Switzerland. Postwar, Winter 1945-46
Downhill view of snow-covered town with church in Switzerland in the winter of 1945/46
Looking down on Swiss town in mountains. "Swiss scene." Switzerland. Postwar, Winter 1945-46
Downhill view of town in snow-covered valley in Switzerland in the winter of 1945/46
Downhill view of town in snow-covered valley. "Switzerland." Switzerland. Postwar, Winter 1945-46
Downhill view of town in snow-covered valley in Switzerland in the winter of 1945/46
Looking down on Swiss town in mountains. "Swiss scene." Switzerland. Postwar, Winter 1945-46
Downing a Me 210
Downing the First German Jet Over Berlin
Downtown building under construction
Photograph. View of scaffolding on the side of a downtown building under construction. Location unknown. No date
Downtown scene of many buildings, including main building of the University of Zurich, in Switzerland in the winter of 1945/46
Downtown scene of many buildings, including main building of the University of Zurich; as seen from small, open space.