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Crowd of servicemen attending a public show
Photograph. Crowd of servicemen attending a public show. Location unknown. No date
Crowd of servicemen attending a public show
Photograph. Crowd of servicemen attending a public show. Location unknown. No date
Crowd of servicemen attending a public show
Photograph. Crowd of servicemen attending a public show. Location unknown. No date
Crowd of servicemen attending a public show
Photograph. Crowd of servicemen attending a public show. Location unknown. No date
Crowd of soldiers receiving mail, California, 1942
Photograph. Crowd of soldiers receiving mail, as seen from above.
Crowded beach, Tel Aviv
Photograph. Souvenir. Crowded beach with rows of chairs and beachgoers. Official caption: "2. Crowded Beach." Tel Aviv, Israel.
Crowded deck of an LST, New Guinea, 1944
Photograph. Deck of the LST crowded with personnel, hung canvas sheets, and crates.
Crowded railway station in Tientsin, China in 194-
Crowded railway station in "Tientsin, China." Tianjin, China. 194-
Crowded room hosts a sleeping child refugee, ETO, 1945
Photograph. A child refugee, surrounded by luggage and people, sleeping on a small bed.
Crowded transport plane loaded with American servicemen, Chinese soldiers, and supplies, CBI, 1945
Photograph. Crowded transport plane with American servicemen chatting with Chinese soldiers. Packs and guns are also in plane. Caption damaged.
Crowds gather at a cemetery during a ceremony, France, 1945
Photograph. Crowds gather around an American flag at a cemetery during a ceremony/celebration of the first anniversary of the Normandy invasion.
Crowds of American soldiers bound for home, travelling in trucks/trailers down road in France (probably), 1946
Somewhat blurry image of crowds of American soldiers in trucks/trailers traveling down road, probably enroute to return to the United States.