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87th Ordnance Battalion ammunition dump in Anzio on 4 April 1944
576.Photograph. '4 April 44. MM-5-44-3370. Fifth Army, Anzio Beachhead Area, Italy. The 87th Ordnance Battalion ammunition dump.
88th Infantry Division advancing through Cornuda, Italy, 1945
88th Infantry Division clearing snipers near the Po, Italy, 1945
Photograph. Two United States Army soldiers from the 88th Infantry Division clearing out a bombed out city; debris covers the ground.
88th Infantry Division running past a burning German tank, Rome, 1944
Photograph. United States Army soldiers from the 88th Infantry Division running past a burning German tank during urban combat.
89th Division moving into their new positions as the second phase of mountain maneuvers gets under way at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 21 March 1944
1819. '3-21-44. Boll.
89th Infantry Division dig in a 50 Cal on top of a ridge during maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 21 March 1944
1816. '3-21-44. Boll.
8th Army soldiers debarking from LCI-447, Luzon Island, 1945
Photograph. Two rows of 8th Army soldiers debarking from USS LCI-447 and wading towards a beach; another landing craft is in the background.
8th Army soldiers debarking from LCI-447, Luzon Island, 1945
Photograph. Two rows of 8th Army soldiers debarking from USS LCI-447. Official caption on front: "Navy lands 8th Army on west coast of Luzon.
8th Cavalry Regiment troops enter Manila in the Philippines on 5 February 1945
"8th Cav Regt troops enter Manila, Luzon." 5 February 1945
8th Naval Construction Battalion camp, Iwo Jima, 1945
Photograph. Elevated view of the 8th Naval Construction Battalion camp. Personal caption on reverse: "8th Batt campsite Mt.
8th Ordnance, 42nd Battalion rescues a vehicle trapped in the snow in Italy on 13 December 1944.
120.Photograph. '31 Dec 44. 5/MM-44-32719. Fifth Army, Route 65, Italy.
8th Veterinary Dispensary horse stables
Photograph. Horse stables for the 1st and 2nd Squadron at the 8th Veterinary Dispensary. Presumably Fort Bliss, Texas. No date