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7th Cavalry Regiment command post near Taytay, Luzon on 27 February 1945
"7th Cavalry Regiment command post near Taytay, Luzon." 27 February 1945
7th Infantry Division attacking a Japanese pillbox, Marshall Islands, 1944
Photograph. United States Army soldiers of the 7th Infantry Division using explosives on a Japanese pillbox.
7th Infantry Division gun crew with 37mm antitank gun on Kwajalein Atoll beach in February 1944
7th Infantry Division gun crew with 37mm antitank gun on Kwajalein Atoll beach. 'W-CPA-44-108-H. 2/1. Cordray.
7th Infantry Division landing on a beach, Enubuj Island, 1944
7th Infantry Division manning a machine gun, Kwajalein Atoll, 1944
Photograph. United States Army soldiers in the 7th Infantry Divisionmanning a machine gun in war-damaged terrain.
7th Infantry Division military police watch captured Japanese prisoners of war on Kwajalein in February 1944
7th Infantry Division military police watch captured Japanese prisoners of war, either wearing loincloths or naked; some are being given medical at
7th Infantry Division preparing to leave Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, 1944
7th Infantry Division soldier driving jeep through shallow shoreline water on Carlson Island, Kwajalein Atoll in January 1944
7th Infantry Division soldier driving jeep through shallow shoreline water. 'W-CPA-44-107-AA 1/31 Weaver.
7th Infantry Division soldier inspection Japanese naval gun and armament at Kwajalein in January 1944
7th Infantry Division soldier inspection Japanese naval gun and armament. 'W-CPA-44-106-BH. 1/31. Ellner. Capt. P.
7th Infantry Division soldier looking at the remains of dismembered Japanese corpse on Enubuj Island, Kwajalein Atoll in February 1944
7th Infantry Division soldier looking at remains of dismember Japanese corpse. 'W-CPA-44-106-S. 2/1. Ellner.
7th Infantry Division soldier speaking with native womanlon Kwajalein in January 1944
7th Infantry Division soldier speaking with native woman in Kwajalein Atoll. 'W-CPA-44-112-DJ. 1/31. Young. Pvt.
7th Infantry Division soldier using a flame thrower to burn a Japanese pillbox on Kwajalein Island in February 1944
7th Infantry Division soldier using a flame thrower to burn Japanese pillbox/dugout; others wait in foreground. 'W-CPA-44-108-BK. 2/4.