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Badly damaged railroad yards north of Pianoro in Italy on 20 April 1945.
128.Photograph. '20 April 45. 5/MM-45-7246. Fifth Army, Pianoro Area, Italy. General view of badly damaged railroad yards North of Pianoro.
Bagged and bundled V-mail ready to be sent to the troops in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929.
Bailey bridge spanning a river on the Ledo Road in Burma in 1945
Photograph. Bailey bridge spanning a river on the Ledo Road in Burma in 1945. Possibly the Shweli River Bridge.
Bailey Bridge spans Pasig River, replacing destroyed Jones Bridge in February 1945
"'Bailey' Bridge spans Pasig River, replacing destroyed Jones Bridge." February 1945
Bailing out over Bonn
Bailing out over the mountains; no big deal
Baker twins playing saxophones at the Abeline, Texas, Air Force Base in 1944
Photograph. Two uniformed men, the Baker twins, playing saxophones at the Abilene, Texas air field.
Baker twins playing saxophones at the Abeline, Texas, Air Force Base in 1944
Photograph. Baker twins pose with saxophones at the Abilene, Texas air field.
Balcony on the Piazza Venezia in Rome, Italy in 194-
Balcony on the Piazza Venezia where Benito Mussolini addressed Roman people.
Bales and cases of clothing and shoes being unloaded in Naples, Italy, 1945
Photograph. Bales and cases of clothing and shoes being unloaded on dock/pier for distribution in Italy and Yugoslavia.