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An American soldier cautiously aims his rifle in Belgium in September 1944
An American soldier cautiously aims around the corner of a building. "ETO-HQ-44-14218. Noble. 8 Sept. Signal corps photo.
An American soldier cleans mounted M-15 guns, ETO
Photograph. An American soldier cleans mounted M-15 guns on a half-track stopped on the roadside.
An American soldier examines Nazi graffiti in Moinet, Belgium, 1945
Photograph. An American soldier examines Nazi graffiti. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 9939 23 Jan. Credit...US Army Signal Corps.
An American soldier gives candy to French children in France on 4 July 1945
An American soldier gives candy to French children. Offical caption: "ETO HQ 44 6602 Boot (5) 4 July. Credit...Signal Corps Photo. S/Sgt.
An American soldier in front of a statue in Rome, Italy in 1944
An American soldier, "Paul Tirpak in Rome." Sitting on steps in front of a statue.' [1944]
An American soldier in front of a statue in Rome, Italy in 1944
An American soldier, "Doug Payne [in] Rome" in front of a statue.' [1944]
An American soldier inspects a German military vehicle in Ederen, Germany on 5 December 1944.
An American soldier inspects a German military vehicle. Note that units have been stricken in the caption.
An American soldier keeps watch over a German prisoner of war in Fauvillers, Belgium, 1945
An American soldier keeps watch over a German prisoner of war. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 6359 5 Jan. Credit...U.S. Army Signal Corps.
An American soldier poses in front of a large building while leaning against a captured German 8.8-cm FlaK 18 gun in Germany in the 1940s
An unidentified American soldier poses in front of a large building while leaning against a captured German 8.8-cm FlaK 18 gun.' Germany.
An American soldier poses in front of a tomb on Okinawa, 1945
Photograph. An American soldier poses in front of a tomb on Okinawa.
An American soldier poses in front of steps leading to a temple, Okinawa, 1945
Photograph. An American soldier poses in front of steps leading to a temple. Official caption: "Kodacolor Print. T.M. Regis, U.S. Pat. Off.
An American soldier poses over the body of a dead Japanese sniper, Tarawa, 1943
An American soldier poses with a gun over the body of a dead Japanese sniper lying in a ditch.