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An aerial view of the 24th General Hospital in Grosseto, Italy from 21 July- 15 September 1944
An aerial view of the "Main Hospital Building 24th Gen., Grosseto, Italy.
An aerial view of the Moana Surfrider Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1941
Photograph. An aerial view of the Moana Surfrider Hotel. Personal caption: "W--- [Waikiki] Beach and Hotel.
An aerial view of the New Britain coastline at Cape Gloucester, New Britain in 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. An aerial view of New Britain"s coast.
An aerial view of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii
Photograph. An aerial view of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Honolulu, Hawaii. No date
An aerial view over New Guinea during World War II
An aerial view over New Guinea during World War II. "Taken from the air over New Guinea."
An aerial view over New Guinea during World War II
An aerial view over New Guinea during World War II. "Taken from the air over New Guinea."
An African American and white soldiers praying with Italian citizens at a midnight mass on Christmas Eve in Italy, 24 December 1944.
20.Photograph. An African American and white soldiers praying with Italian citizens at a Midnight Mass on Christmas eve. '24 Dec. 1944.
An African American chief petty officer poses in a village in Japan in the 1940s
An African American chief petty officer poses in a village in Japan in the 1940s.
An African American sailor moving through a muddy canal as part of a Crossing the Line ceremony at sea aboard the U.S.S. Maury on 5 May 1942
An African American sailor moving through a muddy canal as part of a Crossing the Line ceremony at sea aboard the U.S.S. Maury on 5 May 1942.
An African American sailor poses with a woman outside a building, probably in Japan in the 1940s
An African American sailor poses with a woman outside a building, probably in Japan or Korea in the 1940s
An African-American company cleans a ditch in Harahan, Louisiana on 27 October 1944
An African-American company cleans a ditch. Official caption: "Restricted. W.O. #1580, Neg. #1129. 27 October 1944. 1.
An African-American longshoreman works aboard a ship carrying trucks in Concord, Louisiana on 4 June 1943
An African-American longshoreman works aboard a ship carrying trucks. Official caption: "SS 'Robert Lowry'.