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American vehicles pass by German wreckage alongside an Italian road in October 1944
314.Photograph. '1 Oct 44. 5/MM-44-4474. Fifth Army, Pietramala Area, Italy.
American veteran Yoshina Omiya leaving his home with his seeing-eye dog, Hawaii, 1945
American WAC holds purse and gloves, Italy
Photograph. American WAC [Women's Army Corps] in uniform wearing overcoat and holding bag lunch.
American war correspondent with Brazilian soldiers in Italy on 11 December 1944
540.Photograph. '11 Dec 1944. BEF/5/MM-44-31385. Fifth Army, Italy.
American warplane strafing Japanese cargo ships off the coast of Luzon Island, Philippines, 1944
Photograph, aerial. Bullet trails leading to a burning Japanese cargo ship; two other cargo ships are visible in the background.
American warships at Pendleton Shipyards, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1942
Aerial photograph of Pendleton Shipyards, near Florida Avenue; American warships and Industrial Canal visible.
American warships at Pendleton Shipyards, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1942
Aerial photograph of Pendleton Shipyards, near Florida Avenue; American warships and Industrial Canal visible.
American warships at Pendleton Shipyards, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1942
Aerial photograph of Pendleton Shipyards; American warships visible. Personal Caption: "Pendleton Shipyards, N.O.La.
American warships at Pendleton Shipyards, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1942
Aerial photograph of Pendleton Shipyards, near Florida Avenue; American warships and Industrial Canal visible.
American warships at Pendleton Shipyards, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1942
Aerial photograph of Pendleton Shipyards; American warships visible. Personal Caption: "Pendleton Shipyards, N.O.La.
American warships cruising into Lingayen Gulf, Luzon Island
Photograph. American warships cruising into Lingayen Gulf. Official caption on front: "Battleship and destroyers move into Lingayen Gulf.
American warships firing at Angaur, Palau, 1944
Photograph. American warships firing at Angaur; columns of smoke are rising from the coast.