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American soldiers stand at attention during a memorial review in honor of President Roosevelt in Papua New Guinea in 1945
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Set. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1882-1945.
American soldiers stand in front of their parked half-tracks on roadway, ETO
Photograph. American soldiers resting in front of their parked half-tracks on unidentified roadway. ETO. No date
American soldiers stand in parade formation
Photograph. American armored division soldiers stand in parade formation in front of large stone building. ETO. No date
American soldiers stand next to their armored jeep, Belgium, 1945
Photograph. John Janik and two fellow soldiers stand next to their armored jeep.
American soldiers stand outside in front of large map, ETO
Photograph. Two American soldiers stand outside in front of a large map sign. Personal caption on photo reverse: "On the Baltic." ETO.
American soldiers stand outside the entrance to a cave in Rohrbach-lès-Bitche, France on 11 December 1944
American soldiers stand outside the entrance to a cave. Note that some identifying units and locations have been stricken in the caption.
American soldiers stand outside the NBC station, California, 1942
Photograph. Three uniformed American soldiers stand outside the NBC station. Los Angeles, California. 1942
American soldiers stand with a German airplane, ETO
Photograph. Three American soldiers stand with a German airplane in front of a hangar. ETO. No date
American soldiers stand with a German airplane, ETO
Photograph. Two American soldiers stand with a German airplane in front of a hangar.
American soldiers stand with a German airplane, ETO
Photograph. Three American soldiers stand with a German airplane in front of a hangar. ETO. No date
American soldiers stand with a German airplane, ETO
Photograph. Two American soldiers stand on the tail of a German Heinkel bomber airplane in a hangar.
American soldiers standing in a field
Slide. Large group of American soldiers casually standing in a field. Presumably Italy. No date