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American soldier with parachute and machine gun standing in dirt field in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier with parachute and machine gun standing in dirt field in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier with parachute and machine gun standing in dirt field in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier with parachute and machine gun standing in dirt field in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier with parachute standing next to crash landed airplane in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier with parachute standing next to crash landed airplane in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier with pistol belt crouching in front of a building in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier with pistol belt crouching in front of a building in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier with pistol belt standing on roadway in wooded area of the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier with pistol belt standing on roadway in wooded area of the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier with sign for the 593rd Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment, Florida, 1944
American soldier with war dog 'Rex' in Italy in November 1944
American soldier with war dog 'Rex' in Italy in November 1944. "7 Nov. 44. 5/MM-44-6571. Fifth Army, Monzuno Area, Italy.
American soldier wounded in the face on Rendova Island in 1943
"File No: W-MS-31-52607. Released: September 7, 1943. Aid for the Fallen - Wounded in the face by a Jap missile, this member of the U.S.
American soldier writing a letter while resting in his pup tent, ETO
Photograph. GI writing a letter while resting in his pup tent. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Our H.
American soldier's cot at Calas Staging Area, France, 1945
Photograph. Technical Sergeant Ronello Brown's helmet and cot. Personal caption on reverse: "My bunk at Calas staging area. / Sept.
American soldier, Max, standing in front of a building, ETO, April 1945
Photograph. American soldier dressed in a winter jacket.
American soldiers in Fort Devons, Massachusetts in August 1943
American soldiers Tex and Bill Schnieder posing shirtless for the camera, Fort Devens, Massachusetts. 1943