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Loevsky, Louis Segment 1
Loevsky was born on Long Island, New York. He was 1 of 3 children.His father worked in a bronze factory.
Loevsky, Louis Segment 2
Loevsky's motivation for joining the service was that he felt that the treatment of the Jews in Europe, and by Hitler in general, meant that t
Loevsky, Louis Segment 3
Loevsky talks about segregation in the US military during World War II.He discusses his father working in a foundry and how his father enlarged his
Loevsky, Louis Segment 4
Loevsky washed out as a pilot and went to Navigation school. He graduated from navigation school in Hondo, Texas in November of 1943.
Loevsky, Louis Segment 5
When Loevsky opened the nose turret to free the bombardier, the bombardier attempted to put on his shoes; according to him the bombardier was in sh
Loevsky, Louis Segment 6
Loevsky was taken to a German headquarters and was marched through the streets of Berlin past angry crowds.
Loevsky, Louis Segment 7
The Germans issued blankets to the POWs that were threadbare and worthless.
Loevsky, Louis Segment 8
Loevsky's destination during his long march was Stalag VIIA in Moosburg, Germany. Along the way to Moosburg they was transported in box cars.
Loges, Richard Closing Thoughts
Most Americans today do not know much or care very much about World War 2. The education system does not teach children enough about World War 2.
Loges, Richard Combat in Southern France and Germany
Richard "Dick" Loges was deployed to Europe as a replacement [Annotator's Note: Company H, 2nd Battalion, 180th Infantry Regiment, 4
Loges, Richard Finding Courage and Dachau
The lowest point of Richard "Dick" Loges' service [Annotator's Note: with Company H, 2nd Battalion, 180th Infantry Regiment, 45
Loges, Richard Overseas Deployment
Richard "Dick" Loges received orders for overseas deployment.