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American Marines pause for a much-needed rest in shell craters and fox holes the day after they went ashore on Iwo Jima.
545.Photograph 'CinCPac-POA AH65 February 21, 1945 Marines take shelter on Iwo Jima With the battle raging close by, American Marines pause fo
American medic attends to wounded Italian girl in Castellonorato, Italy, 1944
Photograph. American medic attends to wounded Italian girl as her family stands nearby.
American medical officers eating outdoors
American medics standing outside of a field hospital
Slide. Six American medics standing outside of a large field hospital tent. Presumably Italy. No date
American medics standing outside of a field hospital
Slide. Two American medics wearing surgical aprons standing outside of a large field hospital tent. Presumably Italy. No date
American men and Eritrean boys at the Douglas Aircraft Company at air base in Eritrea in 1942
Civilian men from the Douglas Aircraft Company at air base in Eritrea - also known as Project 19 - with Eritrean young men and boys.
American military band marches across an unidentified parade field, ETO
Photograph. American military band marches across an unidentified parade field. ETO. No date
American military camp
Photograph. Rows of tents in an open field; several tents are set up on the outskirts of the camp.
American military camp
Photograph. Several rows of tents in a square formation; mountains are in the background. Location unknown. No date
American military camp in a war-damaged European town
Photograph. American serviceman standing next to a large tent powered by generators; rubble from bombed out buildings surrounds the tent.
American military camp in French field
American military camp in field. "Benning, France." Circa 1944
American military camp in German field
American military camp in field. "Waldhambach, Germany." 1945