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Aerial view of a Japanese city, Japan
Photograph, aerial. View of a Japanese city, probably Tokyo. No date
Aerial view of a large avenue, Japan, 1945
Photograph, aerial. View of a large avenue, probably in Tokyo. Official caption (Front): "Restricted." Japan. 1945
Aerial view of a large European farming community
Photograph, aerial. Landscape of cleared fields with residential and commercial buildings scattered throughout.
Aerial view of a large military base
Photograph. Aerial view of a large military base. Location unknown. No date
Aerial view of a local village in Guam (probably), 1945-46
Aerial view of local village in unidentified Pacific island, landscape extends beyond coastal city. Guam (probably). 1945-46
Aerial view of a local village in Guam (probably), 1945-46
Aerial view of native village on unidentified Pacific island; probably rebuilt by U.S. Government.'Guam (probably). 1945-46
Aerial view of a local village in Guam (probably), 1945-46
Aerial view of native village on unidentified Pacific island; probably rebuilt by U.S. Government.'Guam (probably). 1945-46
Aerial view of a local village in Guam (probably), 1945-46
Aerial view of native village on unidentified Pacific island near a road; probably rebuilt by U.S. Government.'Guam (probably). 1945-46
Aerial view of a local village near a harbor and river on the coastline of Guam, 1945-46
Aerial view of native village on unidentified Pacific island, including thatched roof and corrugated metal houses and Christian cathedral.
Aerial view of a local village on Guam (probably), 1945-46
Aerial view of native village in unidentified Pacific island, including thatched roof and corrugated metal houses and Christian cathedral.
Aerial view of a military compound
Photograph, aerial. Military compound consisting of large buildings on a dirt plot; farming fields are across the road and in the background.
Aerial view of a military compound
Photograph, aerial. Military compound consisting of large buildings spread out across several plots; farming fields are in the background.