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1st Cavalry Division soldiers walking past a dead Japanese soldier, Manila
Photograph. 1st Cavalry Division soldiers walking past a dead Japanese soldier lying between tracks; war-damaged buildings are in the background.
1st Cavalry M4 tank explodes and burns after hitting Japanese mine near Manila on 9 March 1945
"1st Cav M4 tank explodes and burns after hitting Jap min near Manila." 9 March 1945
1st Field Artillery shells a Japanese position prior to a 6th Infantry Division attack at Manila in the Philippines in 1945
"1st FA shells Jap position prior to 6th Div attack." [1945]
1st Infantry Division advancing past a dead German soldier on a city street, Bonn
1st Infantry Division marching on a snow-covered road near Mürringen, Belgium, 1945
Photograph. Two columns of armed United States Army soldiers from the 1st Infantry Division marching on a snow-covered road in the fog.
1st Infantry Division soldiers in Germany in March 1945
Burning buildings. "ETO-HQ-45-23162. Hurley. 25 Mar. Signal corps photo.
1st Infantry Division soldiers on Normandy cliffs in June 1944
Soldiers with equipment moving along a cliff. "ETO-HQ-44-4778-11. Taylo. 8 June. Signal corps photo.
1st Infantry Division troops boarding a LCVP on a Rhine riverbank, Oberwinter, 1945
Photograph. 1st Infantry Division troops boarding a LCVP [Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel] on a bank along the Rhine.
1st Lt. Bruce Craig smoking, Saipan, 1945
Slide. First Lieutenant Bruce F.
1st Lt. Edwin J. Sede during a mission, Pacific Islands, 1945
Slide. Profile of First Lieutenant Edwin J.
1st Lt. Hugh Ward kneeling in a camp
Photograph. First Lieutenant Hugh Ward kneeling on the ground outside of a large tent; palm trees are in the background. Location unknown.
1st Lt. Hugh Ward receiving a medal
Photograph. First Lieutenant Hugh Ward having a medal pinned to his chest by a Major General. Personal caption on reverse: "1st. Lt. Hugh J.